Forum eedomus

HTTP Sensors for Cloudy Condition?
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Auteur:  Horia [ 21 Oct 2016 10:38 ]
Sujet du message:  HTTP Sensors for Cloudy Condition?

Do I need to JSON to XML decode in an PHP script for the HTPP Sensor/XPath selection to work?

I am trying to get the sunny/cloudy condition to control my awnings....I saw there is an Weather forecast script (which I think does the above) meanwhile the wether API is not anymore public. I was thinking to use a Swiss one (even that the JSON is heavier, includes a lot more than I need).

Any better suggestion? I want to make sure my awnings don't open up unless is sunny (and few more conditions coming from my physical sensors (presence, temperature, wind...). I have a weather popp, the eedomus metro sensors, a Chacon Obscurity Sensor...None of them seem to predictable differentiate between sunny and all the cloudy variations.

Thanks, Horia
Auteur:  Horia [ 21 Oct 2016 11:03 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: HTTP Sensors for Cloudy Condition?

I am thinking to use ... -meteo.pdf but requires I think the JSON to XML decoding via a PHP script. I am not sure if the PHP in the box supports the two json functions referred here.
Auteur:  Horia [ 21 Oct 2016 13:51 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: HTTP Sensors for Cloudy Condition?

Just FYI, I finally decided to get the cloudiness % from , my path is /current/clouds/@value on the /weather API node.
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